
Friday, July 25, 2008

One from Column A....

I made this list a couple years ago of things to do before I died. Reading Saving4Later's blog a few days ago, she mentioned a list of 101 things to do in 1001 days and googling this, there is a whole network dedicated to this project. I love and am intrigued by the idea. I then remembered my list and thought to myself, I should really start crossing things off of it. I also recently watched the Bucket List which shows so many aspects of my life have this theme and is probably a sign. I am working on a list of 101 things done in 1001 days and goals on there include my financial goals, my health goals, my career goals. The following list is more of a fun list and I am sure as I get older, some of the things on it won't be as appealing (although at 26 I still think a mudball fight would be awesome!). Maybe that is even more reason why I should start crossing items off.

My to do list

1. Visit Mexico, not just the resort in Mexico
2. Hot air balloon ride
3. Swim with dolphins
4. Raft though rain forest
5. Experience New York City; visit MOMA, see Broadway on Broadway, shopping on Fashion Ave, Central Park etc. etc. DONE March 12-17 2009
6. Compete in a marathon
7. Have eyes fixed
8. Learn to speak another language
9. Snowboard
10. Have a mud ball fight
11. Crazy carpet down a mountain
12. Show up at my boyfriends wearing only lingerie, my trench coat and pumps. See what happens
13. Show up at my boyfriends wearing shorts, halter top, chaps, cowboy hat and boots. See what happens.
14. Feed the homeless on Christmas day
15. Become a big sister
16. Laugh at least 100 times a day
17. Take a gnome sightseeing and take lots of pictures of him. Get doubles and mail to a random person.
18. Finish a New York Times crossword
19. Become the Sudoku master!!
20. Learn how to perfectly execute a roundhouse kick
21. Learn how to wear nothing but red lipstick and still look classy
22. Learn sign language
23. Have a breakfast picnic at a lookout spot and watch the sunrise
24. Watch a horror movie in a cornfield with just my boyfriend
25. Learn how to skip rocks on water
26. Enter a sandwich-making competition and win first prize in the “aesthetically- pleasing” category. If no such competition, create one.
27. Write more poetry
28. Start writing my memoir
29. Kiss my boyfriend at least 100 times a day
30. Conjure up a plan to receive more hugs on a daily basis.
31. Build something from scratch using wood and power tools.
32. Create the art piece that is in my mind and try to sell it at a gallery working on this
33. Have a flour fight.
34. Take the stairs to the top of the Calgary TowerDid this twice, 04/19/08 and in 04/20/07
35. Learn to be more patient
36. Learn to love myself more
37. Drive to California, go to six flags and ride the “X”
38. Learn to swim
39. Send more letters and postcards to my friend
40. Ask a telemarketer what his or her biggest wish/dream is, instead of hanging up
41. Visit an art gallery once a month and seriously look as though I plan on purchasing a piece
42. Train and audition for jeopardy
43. Ride a horse Did this 05/18/08
44. Tapdance
45. Volunteer at the SPCA. Give evil looks to people who are abandoning their animals for stupid reasons
46. Challenge someone to a shopping cart race down a hill. Wear a helmet just in case.
47. Dance like no one is watching
48. Seduce my boyfriend while wearing a masquerade mask. Leave it on.
49. Challenge my friends to a “macaroni-and-cheese” contest. The noodles must be homemade.
50. Drink expensive champagne “just because” while soaking in a bubble bath

It must have been just a little under two years ago when I wrote this list because I had just started dating A. The only thing I have completed is walking up the stairs of the Calgary Tower which I have done twice. I did start a gnome project, but the girl I was doing it with had differnt ideas. I should do that again. I think it would be so funny to receive a random envelope filled with a gnome's vacation. Although it may seem creepy to some.


SavingDiva said...

28, 48, and 50 made me smile!

Canadian Saver said...

Wow, yours are definitely exotic!!! it's a great list :-)

Anonymous said...

Hey!Thanks for the comment! Your list looks really fun, I love the macaroni and cheese contest one. Good luck to you, I'm looking forward to the books you suggested!!

Laura said...

^ Stacy: This is just my fun list...I am working on my 101 things, but not sure if I will post it. My start date for the 1001 days is tomorrow and I am super pumped. I hope I can complete them all. :)

Dolly Iris said...

Arual this is such a fun project. I need to make a list like this. Thanks for the inspiration!