
Friday, June 1, 2012

May Volunteer Hours

Team McAwesome:
Brainstorming session: 3 hours (and came up with some fun ideas for this summer and future meals!)
Scheduling of brunches for rest of the year with RMH and updating/monitoring facebook/twitter: 2 hours

Mission/Vision statement meeting: 1 hour

Organizing use of community booth in the mall (contract w/mall, getting insurance, staffing of booth, picking up promotional pieces to be used in booth): 3 hours
Promoting event/selling tickets/asking for prize donations: 1 hour
Working community booth: 3.5 hours
Committee Meeting: 1 hour
Collecting silent auction items/ putting together silent auction forms: 5.5 hours
Working actual BBE event: 5 hours

May Total Hours: 25
Total to date Hours for year: 50.5 (right on track to meet my 100 hours for the year!)

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