
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Goodbye June

You came and went way too fast. As usual, its the last day and I am still furiously typing away in order to have everything handed in for CMNS 358 by midnight (still technically June 30).
My goal for July is to work on procrastination. Does anyone have any ideas, tips, guru's advise on how to get out of the habit of procrastination? It's a 27 year old habit, but I still think there is hope. And for the record "just do it" hasn't helped me yet. I keep thinking there is lots of time to get things done and, well, here I am, typing away furiously.

Friday, June 26, 2009

OMG! Did you hear who died??

JESUS! For your sins...on a cross.

Best status update on facebook by far yesterday around MJ's breaking news.

And thanks you funnier people in my life for having the greatest updates ever.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Tonight is my final...

...I just want to get it over with. Hurry up 5:00...I can't wait to have a beer on a patio right after :)

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Requested Payment Accepted

Loan is now 82% paid off!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Dear Dolly Iris

Where are you? What is going on with life? Did you pack up early and take off for Australia? I miss you and I am worried about you as you haven't updated since Raptors danced on lava. I hope where ever you are you are okay and keeping it real.
Want to play pogs sometime? :) My slammer will take all of your milk caps AND then some!


Dear fellow bloggers (especially you running bloggers)

Check out this blog I discovered yesterday while sitting on my couch, not running. It's pretty inspirational. I kind of want to run across a continent or just a country now! It's called Ryan Runs Europe and true to its name, Ryan is running across Europe. Maybe he will find Dolly while he is doing it??? Check it out

Let me know if anyone else is up to (pretending) to run across a continent.


Dear school assignments,

I hate you. Don't call me. It's you, not me. We're through.


Dear Monday,

I am sorry you are not as fun as Friday. Tough luck. Maybe you can work out an arrangement with the next society that designs the lunar calender. But, my guess is Friday will fight you to the death for the spot of TGI....Maybe ask your home boy Tuesday to back you up???


Dear 4:00 pm,

Why are you taking your sweet time getting here? i have school assignments to finish up. Break ups are hard and loose ends need to be taken care of. School assignments are not impressed that I kicked them to the curb. But they also know me, and know I will probably take them back. Not by choice, but because of the degree carrot they dangle. Oh great 4:00 pm, you're here. And I'm out!


Sunday, June 21, 2009

Another Seven Things,,,

I am pretty sure I have done this before, but Frugal Dreamer tagged me to share again. I will hopefully come up with seven different things this time.

1)I recently found out that my cat has a play mate in the neighborhood. One day I watched all of these hares come running down the road followed by this sleek grey cat. A little bit behind this group, my husky cat was hurrying to catch up. I watched for a while and he and the other cat seemed to be hanging out. I kind of feel bad that at the end of the summer we are moving and Oryx won't be able to hang out with his friend any more.

2)I also have another blog where I have 1001 days to try and achieve 101 goals. I realized there are some things in my life that have changed priority and some of these goals do not really figure into life anymore. But I am still trying to achieve as many as possible. I hope to make another list when this round is over and work on it again.

3)I am in school right now and take course via distance learning. I have about ten courses left until I graduate which is exciting. You would think this would motivate me to work harder and complete things faster, but instead here I sit figuring out seven things about me while two papers need to be completed! I wish I could be recognized for a major in procrastination.

4)Lately I have been thinking it would be really cool to run a used book store in a small town. I am not even sure there would be a market for this sort of thing though...

5)I joined a book club and we are reading the Twilight saga. I did not really care for the first one. I found Edward to be really creepy. The second one, when he breaks it off with her, I cried and cried. I knew exactly what Bella was going through...the numbness, the pain, all of it. I am sure most woman do. Break ups suck and it was really hard to read about Bella's. I hear she gives the asshole another chance though. PS I am really not into teen fiction.

6)My brother gave me his POG collection. I want to invite everyone over for a championship. Does anyone else remember the awesomeness of this game? I think they are going to make for a fun party game...Pogs, Pizza and Pilsner night or something like that.....

7)I started a "ten things I want to do today" journal. Every morning while I sip my coffee I write ten things I want to do. Some of the things are daily or need to be done that day things. Others are just whims that I decided I wanted to do that day (for example, go on a Mediterranean cruise)....My hope is this motivates me to complete more day-to-day stuff, as well as showcase a trend of the bigger things I dream of doing and therefore help me discover more facets to me. So far, the journal definitely helps me get the day-to-day stuff done.

And there you have it. Seven things. I am now taking the easy way out and saying if you want to do it, I tag you! Just leave a comment and I will add you to an ongoing list so that others can view your seven things too.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Another extra payment...

...made towards my loan this morning. I requested to pay another $110. Hopefully they will accept my request (which I am sure they will).
It's a beautiful day and I am spending it writing furiously attempting to finish both papers this weekend. I have from the 25th till the 3rd off of work anyway and hopefully there will be some beautiful days out then that I can laze around and take advantage of.
I am also going to find ten things to purge this morning. I need to start getting ready to move at the end of summer.

Monday, June 15, 2009

15 days...

...till I am done this course and I still have two assignments and a final!!! In true Arualian fashion, I wait until the end to get started. If I write 500 words a night, I will be able to finish everything on time. And the weekend I will up this to 1000 words a day.
Assignment one is 2000 words about game shows
Assignment two I haven't chosen the topic yet and its 3000 words.
Final exam is scheduled for June 24 at 5 pm.

I need to go's not the first time I left everything till the last minute (and I am sure it won't be the last).

In other news, I have some big plans in the works but don't want to jinx anything. By the end of the month it should all be finalized :)

Thursday, June 4, 2009

My Loan Reduction Plan

To have it paid off my August 31 2009

1) Right now I pay $100 a paycheque to my loan. I always put $150 aside for it and now I am using that extra $50 towards the loan. SO I can pay $150 a paycheque.
Paycheques are bi-weekly (June 17, July 2, July 16, July 30). Plan is by end of July to have paid $750 off of my loan (including tomorrow's payment). This will bring my loan down to approximately $661.43 (give or take interest).
2) A and I will be moving into my dad's basement for a couple months to save to buy a house! My dad is going to help us out this way and with some of the down payment. So September I don't have to pay rent. Which means essentially in August I have $1200 extra (what I would have had to save to pay for September's rent). So if I divide that remaining part of my loan in half and with each paycheque pay $330.71 (maybe a little more depending again on interest) my loan will be paid in full by August 31 2009.

I am really excited for this! I took out my loan for my dental implant and it will be nice to see it cleared finally. And it will be cleared 4 months earlier then it would have if I follow the payment schedule.


Today was pay day and I paid $272.26 to my VISA to pay in full the portion of my NYC trip that I charged. Woot woot!
I also paid all of my bills today ($203.98 utilities, Internet and phone). I think I may be able to put an extra $200 towards my loan but still in the air about that. Don't want to leave myself without any money this month.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Two no-spend-days

I am starting over again in June and I am going to try for 15 no-spend-days again. Tonight I went to meet the Maid of honour of the wedding that I am a bridesmaid in to discuss the stagette/shower. I forgot my wallet at home so I wouldn't be tempted to go grab a pint or a cup of coffee. We hung out in her uber-nice apartment. This apartment building has a pool, a mini golf putt, squash courts, a rooftop patio and a party room. The view is phenomenal too! Its 1500 a month to live there, but she has a roommate to split the costs and for summer it's going to be fun with the pool.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

My head hurts,

I spilled my coffee all over my cubicle floor, and I would rather be in bed. Only 5 and a half hours left of my work day. 5 and a half long long hours. I need a coffee...I think that's why my head hurts ;)

Monday, June 1, 2009

June Goals

1) $100 extra dollars towards loan DONE June 20 2009
2) NYC costs PIF DONE June 4 2009
3) Essays 2 and 3 of Comm. Studies both completed by June 20 (Final exam is booked for June 24!!!!)

In other news, I have been coerced into reading the Twilight series through a book club I just joined. Last night, Twilight the movie swept the MTV movie awards. I was able to pick up the first two books from Wal-mart for $8.30 each on the weekend. I am afraid of being "sucked" in to the entire teen vampire love story trend.