A new month, a new slate and no more worrying about Child Development! And October contains my favorite holiday (Halloween :))! I have decided to go as the paper bag princess this year. I had to analyze this story for my Children's Literature course two summers ago and have a new found respect for it. I also found a paper leaf bag for fall clean up that will be long enough to cover me like a dress. Some soot and some messed up hair and a tiara and I should be good to go. I am considering photocopying images from the story to decoupage onto my "dress" just in case there are people out there who have no idea who the paper bag princess is (and if you don't --shame on you. Go read some Robert Munsch, I also recommend Mud Puddle and Mortimer).
So my goals for this month are not too crazy as I learned my lesson last month when I had two melt downs due to school stress.
1)Pay off Banff Hotel Charge ($484.88)
2)Finish up Literature of the Americas course (aka my English Essay that I have procrastinated on)
3)Create a study Schedule for the two courses that I started yesterday
4)No Spending Ts (I stole this from
Frugal Dreamer)
5) Read first 2 books of each course (4 books total, but I am almost done the first one)
The last goal may be the hardest to complete, but I figure that as long as I plug away at it, it's not entirely impossible. I read on the bus and before bed now anyway. It may as well be school reading. I thought I could finish these two courses in 3 months, but I don't want the stress I felt in September to happen in December (with Christmas that month too!), so I have decided to try and finish one for sure in 3 months and the other I will give myself a little more time. That means I will only receive 18 credits this year instead of the 21 I want. The nice thing is that one of the courses doesn't have any exams --just two papers. That takes away the stress of scheduling exams!