
Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Next year is really soon...

I have made no goals this month. I have fallen off the financial wagon and this month I am just going to work on getting back into saving and debt-repaying momentum. Thinking about Christmas is kind of freaking me out. And then I was thinking that with Christmas comes NYE and that is usually followed by a new calendar year (usually heehee).
I am starting to work on a 2009 budget which will include my goals that I want to achieve in 2009 and a month by month plan of how to achieve this. I am hoping to have this up and posted with in the next few days. Some things happened in my life in the last few days that has made me realize that I need to find the key to unlock my chains and set me free.
Sorry for no inspirational November goals post. Money seems to be slipping through my hands like water these days! Tomorrow is payday and I am hoping to start getting back on track.


Anonymous said...

I look forward to these 09 goals :)

I know what you mean re money slipping through your hands - it's been happening to me too.

Dolly Iris said...

I'm dying for payday too! I am really determined to get back into financial shape. I've been one lazy and irresponsible dolly! lol

I can't believe how fast this last year has gone! Ok, ok so its not over yet but geez its coming so soon!

I really need to sit down and draft out what I want to get out of 2009 too. ;-)

Sharon said...

Hi there-good luck with setting those 2009 goals!!