
Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

As commercial as this holiday is, I ♥ it! My most favorite memory of Valentine's day is waking up one morning as a little girl and my dad had left me a bag of candy hearts and chocolate on my night stand. My favorite Valentine's date ever was A and my first one. I gave him clues to figure out where we were going that day and we spent the day at the science centre (where gods fight to rule the heavens), a restaurant named Piq Niq (ants are unwelcome guests here) and then to this puppet show (I can't remember the clue....sorry~). The puppet show was really bizarre. It was about murders and these sweet little puppets committing them (kind of like the show Puppets who kill, but less funny, more serious). I then presented A with a Hershey kiss for every day we had been together (it was around 200) and a bottle of wine.
Tonight A is taking me back to Piq Niq, but this time we are going to the jazz club in the basement called Beat Niq. I am super excited as it is one of the places I have wanted to go to for a long time.

Tomorrow A and I are having a planning session about what each of us really wants in life and how we can fund all of these goals. We are going to apply for the pre approval mortgage to see what we could be approved for, but I think we are going to wait a little bit to purchase. Housing prices are slowly dropping here anyway so it is probably best to wait and see the kind of deal we may get.

In response to Frugal Dreamer about me living here the rest of my life...I have lived here all of my life. I love this city a lot. I like to travel to different places, but I definitely love coming home. I have watched this city change a lot in the last couple of years and I still love it. I see parts getting better as well as getting worse. A is from Small Town, Newfoundland. I think sometimes he plans on going back and if that is the case, we need to know that too before we make a decision to buy something. And even if we did buy something, it doesn't mean we are here forever. One can always sell when ready to take on a new phase of life. It is a big decision though and I need to take Northern Living Allowance's advice and write every pro and con there is before I make it. I wish someone would just give me a house.... :)


Leanna said...

Was the play "Famous Puppet Death" scenes?? That's the one that jumped into my head when you mentioned a play where puppets commit murder. Heh. I saw that way back in the day - it was very strange indeed.

Laura said...

Yes! Thats the one :) Wasn't the scene where they had a house in a book and as they turned the pages and got closer and closer to the house, screams got louder until they just stopped and it was dead silence super creepy!?

Canadian Saver said...

I have been busy at work and I admit I'm behind on blogs... I didn't know you and A were back together!! When did this take place??

Best of luck!! You seem to be very smart about this house thing. Is there anyway you could sign your lease for 6 months instead of a full year come March 31st? you might be able to find something to buy then ?

Laura said...

Hi Canadian Saver,

I wrote on January 6 that A and I were going to take it slow and work stuff out. It has been really good. :) I think he needed me to leave in order to figure out what he wants in life and that he wanted me to be a part of it. YAY! :)

Canadian Saver said...

Ok that explains it, back in January I was working crazy hours so I didn't read blogs as much.

This is great news :-)