
Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Dear Internets,

My lovely blogging buddy Dolly is going to get back into the blogging. She has been travelling for the last year through Australia and is just finishing up her trip over there with journeys through Thailand and New Zealand. JEALOUS! But, it took her a lot of hard work and diligent saving and many sacrifices to make her dream a reality.

Now that she is back, I encourage you to check her out! She is an inspiration to me, always offers kind words and even sent me an awesome post card from Australia this year!

Welcome back Dolly! You were missed :)

1 comment:

Dolly Iris said...

How did I miss this post?
This made me light up inside like a christmas tree. Then it made my eyes fill with happy juice.

Thank you so much for your sweet post Laura. More post cards coming your way so keep an eye on the mailbox.