
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Total Eclipse of My...


Last night to celebrate Winter Solstice, the Earth, Moon and Sun decided to line up just right to create a lunar eclipse. It started at about 11:30 pm (mountain time, my time) and by 12:41 am there was complete eclipse. It was the usual below freezing weather here, but I lucked out with a perfect view of the moon from my bedroom window! SCORE!

And, to make this event even more penguin-awesome, the skies were perfectly clear. I could make out Orion just South-West of the moon and I knew that if any crazy shenanigans took place, my little hunter would protect me.

The coolest thing ever was that just as we reached total eclipse, the clouds blew in and covered the sky. It was the neatest thing to see the moon covered with just a sliver showing and clouds rolling over top slightly. Straight out of a movie (but not that stupid Eclipse movie, I refuse to promote anything to do with that franchise).

And now, days start getting longer again. Pretty awesome way to celebrate, Celestial Spheres! Thanks :)

PS.Santa Baby, how about putting a telescope under the tree, for me?


TL said...

Yay! So exciting! It was too cloudy in this part of the country to see anything... I did see some pretty awesome pictures this morning online! Awesome!

Over the Cubicle Wall said...

I woke up at three in the morning to a completely cloudy sky and a cold, wet, rain. The pictures I saw were pretty awesome though.

Laura said...

Hello Over the Cube! Where have you been? Have missed you :)