
Monday, May 12, 2008

Reflexive Organism vs. Reflective organism

This was a great weekend for me fiscally. Even though I received pay cheques from both jobs, I only spent $16 (that I had saved from my last pay cheque anyway) on a hip-hop dance class intro. Usually, by Monday morning I have maybe $40 to last me two weeks…and only if it isn’t the cheque that goes towards my rent. And the best part is, I don’t feel as though I did nothing all weekend.
Friday, I planned on working on school work. I came home and had a long debate with myself about ordering in Chinese food. I really, really, really craved Won Ton Soup and sweet and sour pork. I got out the menu and looked at the prices. The combo for two was $30 and I told myself that I could eat the leftovers on Saturday. I could taste the Won Ton. I took my dog for a walk around the block and made the decision that $30 was just too much to spend on dinner at home that was high in taste, and everything bad for me. I settled on making some tuna melts.
I picked up my psychology text book and I opened it. I stared at the words and felt myself nodding off. I looked at my dog and my cat and suggested we go for a nap. My cat opted to go outside and Molly and I curled up. Three hours later, I woke up and let Oryx in, and curled back up with every intention to work on school stuff…but facebook got in my way.
Saturday, I planned on waking up early, getting all of my chores done before my hip-hop class and starting my English Essay. Well, even though the road was paved with good intentions, I spent the morning surfing the web. At 1:30, I walked up to the dance studio and an hour and a half later walked back home with new rhythm. A came over, with a frozen pizza for dinner and then we headed over to Jsquared’s to visit.
Sunday, I worked at the toy store. When I got home, I signed into Athabasca University’s web portal and wrote my psychology quiz. I think I bombed it! I really need to buckle down with school and follow my schedule. Saturday’s are supposed to be spent on school and I only half heartedly attempt it. This coming weekend, we are going to Banff, but the following weekend I am going to put in a full day on this. I had a plan to be finished both courses by the time I go to Latvia, but that is definitely going to have to be revamped now!
And if I focus more on school, I won’t be spending as much money on frivolous stuff.
I do have a question that maybe someone could answer for me. I am part of this grocery challenge and I am wondering when I purchase groceries for A and my trip to Banff, does that come out of my grocery fund or my vacation fund?

1 comment:

Canadian Saver said...

Sounds like you had a good weekend :-) I don't know if I could have resisted the Chinese food though! Congrats!!!

I would count the food as part of the vacation fund... I usually count everything, eating out, coffee, groceries, etc. from the time we leave to the time we get back, all as vacation expenses.