
Sunday, May 4, 2008

Strange noises are implying threats...

So this camping thing? Turn out it is all it's cracked up to be! I had a great weekend and it was really nice to be wireless. Meaning no cell or computer. The weather was nice. A little chilly in the mornings and the nights, but during the day was around plus 15.
I do have some issues though. Where we went is a huge quading place. I am not really into these toys although they could very well be a fun time. My issue is watching the ground get torn up by these toys. And listening to the motors rev, I am thinking about the gas consumption and the fumes put into the air. Quads, dirt bikes and other "toys for big boys" are a huge drain on our environment and the extreme team that needs these are probably not reachable by environmentalists. On Saturday morning, over twenty people parked their huge trucks, unloaded their quads and ripped it up for the day. I went for a walk and couldn't believe how badly the ground had been ruined. How did our society get to this point where our getaways into nature from the concrete jungle are spent tearing up Nature's hideaway? Ridiculous.
Other than that, I enjoyed the weekend and spending it with my best friend and my boyfriend laughing. I look forward to going again, but not in such a high traffic area.
A had some kind of Emily Carr moment and was inspired by trees. Maybe when I dragged him to her exhibit earlier this year, there was some sort of effect. This is one of his shots.


SavingDiva said...

I'm going hiking/camping next week :)

Dolly Iris said...

Camping is my middle name! I LOVE IT

Laura said...

Dolly Camping Iris? Your parents must have been hippies! :)

Canadian Saver said...

It sounds like a great weekend :-) I have to go at least once this summer, but I'm a wuss, I like to stick to campgrounds that have amenities. Couldn't do the deep in the woods thing, I don't think!!

Dolly Iris said...

How did you guess? ;-)