
Friday, May 30, 2008

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May Goals in Review

1)Get back on target with regards to school work. Have both papers written for English by end of month and midterm scheduled for mid-June. Have written before I leave for Latvia. Write Quiz two for psychology May 1st and quiz 3 and 4 within month of May. This one, I worked the hardest on all month. I now have one novel left to read for the second unit in English, there is only one paper and I am going to be writing that early next week and I scheduled my midterm for June 14th meaning the paper needs to be done prior to that date. Because I was pushing myself on the English, I fell behind a bit in Psychology. My plan is to have the last three quizzes (quiz 3, 4 and 5) written before I leave for Latvia. I am going to bring a couple novels with me to Latvia so that I don’t fall too far behind on my trip.

2) NO EATING OUT (again, unless someone else pays for it ☺) Create a meal plan on weekend and make lunches night before so ready to go. I am so not good with this goal at all! I have no good excuse as to why I can not follow this except that I need to try harder. I wouldn’t mind so much if it were good food, but I eat so much junk. What a waste of money and calories!
3) Increase income by $200 CHECK! Increased by $411 (two part time cheques and $10 for returning my pop and beer cans)Decrease expenses by $200 No check here. Eating out and when I busted the grocery challenge for Airmiles did not help me in this goal
4) Work on Russian language CDs while doing sit ups, squats, lunges, etc. LOL!! Good thing my grandmother is coming to Latvia with us to translate for me. With school and work, I didn’t have time to even open the Russian book. I should at least attempt to learn a couple key phrases I guess. I am a horrible procrastinator.

June Goals

I figure I am putting too much pressure on myself with all of these goals. This month I am going to try to be a little more specific and not so ambitious.
1) $100 added to Down payment account
2) $200 into Latvia/ Emergency Fund
3) Quiz 3 and Quiz 4 in Psychology
4) Pay Ramada Hotel Charge on VISA ($149.42)
5) Pay Dream Theatre Charge on VISA ($110.25)
6) $75 on groceries
7) Ride bike 9 times for an hour a time

Everything here is measurable. Either I did or I didn’t. And because I am leaving on the 26th, everything needs to be done by then. I hope this month is more productive then my last two months have been. And for my art gallery this month, I am going to visit one in Latvia. I am also in England for two days before I fly into Riga so maybe I will check out one there too.


Dolly Iris said...

Wow! Good job on bring in the extra cash. I also learned that I had to trim down on my goals and pick a few very specific ones. Anything else I get done is just a bonus!

SavingDiva said...

To avoid eating out, keep bags of snacks in your purse. I keep a little bag of beef jerky and a little tin with almonds in them...when I feel like grabbing something to eat, my lazy (and cheap) side kicks in and reaches in my purse :)